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Lighting Studies

Figuring out the essential look of the hallway. The door represents the freedom that Saul attains at the end of the film. I played with making the stained glass window in the door look like a prison or bird cage, so that Saul can metaphorically leave his mental cage. I also experimented with different widths of the hallway, shapes of the side table, and the presence of another bedroom door at the wall, as well as whether or not we would want another lamp somewhere in the room.

Establishing shot of the bathroom. Experimenting with light sources. Main light source has to be the entrance door, but I tried adding a window on the opposite wall. I think it distracts too much from the silhouette in the main shot angle, so I decided against using the window as a major light source.

Experimenting with the way the door opens in or out of the bathroom, and what that would mean for the lighting and the framing.

The door opening inwards works better, because it focuses the light on the limp arm and allows for a better silhouette.

Would it be too overpowering if the light came from the bird as well as from the hallway, in which case there'd be a feather trail? The team decided that we want to keep the feather trail, just not as prominently.

Trying out placing the main character (older Saul) in the scene. His silhouette casts a stark shadow on the floor, breaking up the composition of the floor.

There needs to be a little more reflective light to allow us to see younger Saul on the floor.

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